Saturday, August 8, 2015

Halloween Haunt Sightings 2015

Today (August 8th) I had a short discussion with Dave Frazier the General Manager of Valleyfair.
It was brief but we still talked on a few things. Many of you may have heard rumors of the Wild West coming to Haunt. Those rumors are true. Dave said that haunt will incorporate the Renegade/ Chickie's and Pete's area into a Wild West type area. From what he was saying it seemed that it would be a scarezone or a day event. Also it is true that Hellside Farm will be moving to soak city. As you may notice that the amphitheatre curtain is open. No they are not preparing to demolish or "blow it up" as Dave says (although he wishes to do that) they are only taking haunt props out of storage. 
You can also see that they brought out the Haunt plinko game
They are making pretty good progress on the new Chateau Du Damne
Dave did say that they have started putting together the haunt on the inside
and they will start painting the facade very soon.

Here is a picture of the Hellside Farm scarecrows being prepared
(Photo taken by Dave Frazier on Twitter)
Zombie High has not shown any changes yet (on the exterior)
Dave also mentioned the Bumper Cars will close in about a week for the Asylum setup.

I would like to thank Dave Frazier for taking his time to speak with me and to let me use his photo
(shown above the zombie high one)

Written by:
Caden Riley
Valleyfair Haunt Blog