Saturday, May 23, 2015

In my first visit to Valleyfair of the season, I had the privilege to attend the Soak City preview night! I arrived at the gates around 4:40 and at 5:00 some VF staff members came and said hi. At that point we where waiting for the "OK" from the Lifeguards. One of the staff members had already checked my gold pass so when they opened the gates I ran to the Breakers Pipeline. I already had my swim suit on so I ran up the stairs and eventually reached the top. I was privileged to be the first rider (Excluding the people who tested it) to ride the breakers pipeline (the yellow one) When I finished the ride and exitingly I met the one and only... Dave Frazier, to my excitement I went up to him to confirm who he was and he was who I thought he was. We talked a little about the project and more.
I then decided to ride the breakers plunge and it was equally as awesome. After I finished the ride I went back up to Dave and briefly talked a bit more and then left soak city. after spending a few hours with friends I came back to soak city and rode the rest of the slides I then was Introduced to Ryan by Dave (Ryan's page is Thecoasterlead on Twitter and Instagram) we then discussed more about the project and other fan pages. This was a review from the Valleyfair Haunt Blog.

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